my friendly fox, within a couple minutes that bowl was licked clean
Rocky with the catnip (Nepeta cataria) I grew from seed
purple loosestrife with bee
heleniums with a bee
the bees are loving the globe thistles, they've been great as they survived the drought and heatwave with no watering
the heleniums are looking good and the bees are visiting but they're in pots so I have to water them
I had a few evening primrose that had self-seeded so put them all together in a pot (some were larger than others) and the next day one bloomed
hollyhocks blooming but they're all white and pink, I have been watering them a bit as they're newly planted out but they shouldn't need watering once they're established
bowl of water out for birds and insects but haven't seen either visiting it
Scarecrow on the right, this is in my neighbour's garden, he often goes with me if I go over to water or photograph