hellebore in bloom
scabious in bud and bloom
Danish scurvygrass (Cochlearia danica) rosette
buck's-horn plantain (Plantago coronopus) with tiny Danish scurvygrass and common whitlowgrass rosettes to the right and Danish scurvygrass growing through it
Frankenstein plant (dandelion and Geranium molle)
beginning of January lots of rosettes
are these beaked hawk's-beard (Crepis vesicaria)? I worry the verge and other locations where they are will be mown down in the spring before I get to see them in bloom
shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) on the right, not sure on the left
another shepherds purse
bristly oxtongue (Helminthotheca echioides)
I think these next two are the same but not sure what they are, they do look like dandelions but not exactly right for dandelion
pineappleweed (Matricaria discoidea), it's made itself into a rosette but not the usual basal plant rosette but and aged weathered rosette
spear thistle
thale cress rosette
thale cress rosettes
stone parsley
bristly oxtongue