I like to identify the smallest seedlings so I can keep what I like and remove those I don't and not fill up pots with seedlings I don't want. I have about 10 pots that seemed to be all self-seeders rather than something I planted, I'm not sure why. There's a lot of repitition as each pot has attracted a lot of the same self-seeders.
pot 1: largest is nepeta, underneath it, widest is poppy, top left is snapdragon, bottom is verbena bonariensis, bottom right is passionflower
pot 2: a number of red deadnettle, 3 verbena bonariensis, one on the right I'm not certain of
pot 3: clockwise from top left, verbena bonariensis, snapdragon, poppy, another poppy, another verbena bonariensis and wild basil
pot 4: clockwise from the top, 2 verbena bonariensis, common field speedwell I think, poppy, red deadnettle
pot 5: clockwise from top, snapdragon, plantain?, verbena bonariensis, poppy, forget-me-not and salvia in the middle
pot 6: same as pot 5 but from the other side
pot 7: red deadnettle at the top, poppies, foxglove bottom centre
pot 8 is 7 from the other side: clearer view of the shoo-fly on the right just under the foxglove
pot 9: clockwise from top left, snapdragon, poppies, viola (better view in next photo), verbena bonariensis,
pot 10: same pot as 9 but from the other side with a clearer view of viola at the bottom