Seeds 2024

Seeds sown 2024

in alphabetical order

Acanthus spinosis

White asphodel

King's spear / yellow aphodel

Aster scaber

Blessed thistle



Centaurea americana / Basket Flower

Centaurea montana


Chinese lanterns

Cirsium aomorense ex. Japan

Cirsium botryodes



Cornflower Black Ball


Cotton thistle


Deadly nightshade


Dystaenia takesimana Perennial Korean Celery

Echium vulgare / viper's bugloss

Erigeron Azure Fairy

Eryngium / sea holly

False indigo




Japanese teasel

Japanese thistle


Korean bellflower

Korean dandelion

Korean geranium



Livingstone daisy


Milk thistle


Morning glory



Nodding thistle

Pheasant's eye




Stocks, Brompton Lady Mixed

Summer savory


Sweet sultan


Woolly thistle

Yellow chamomile

Yellow flag


Acanthus spinosis

I collected seed from one I had in my garden. The seeds didn't look too good but thought I'd plant them and see what happens, 24-4-2024

after weeks without any sign of germination and reading that acanthus seeds need soaking, I took the seeds out and soaked them for 48 hours and replanted them

acanthus seeds soaking

suddenly this appeared a week ago, not where it should have been but I'm guessing it is an acanthus but I need to wait and see


acanthus spinosis seedling

I found another seedling which I think is acanthus, not sure why one is shiny and one is not.

acanthus seedlings

that one seedling is actually 2

acanthus seedlings

14-8-2024 a new green shoot is emerging

acanthus seedling

31-8-2024 both pots looking good

acanthus spinosis seedling

acanthus spinosis

Asphodelus albus / white asphodel

seeds sown 22-3-2024, 3 fibre pots in photo below, not many seeds in the packet so sowed 3 to a pot and I've had the seeds for a couple years so wanted to get them all sown

8-4-2024 no germination so I'm reusing the pots but I am being impatient as the seed packet says germination takes 1 to 3 months but that's ok if one day they sprout up next to the milk thistle or sea holly that I've sown there


28-6-2024 I tried again with fresher seed (8 seeds in the packet)


asphodelus alba seed packet

29-6-2024 trying again

26-7-2024 I got the 2 asphodels mixed up, 7 seedlings from the 2 packets of seeds

29-7-2024 I repotted those that have seedlings growing

asphodel seedlings


asphodel seedlings

asphodel seedlings

Asphodeline lutea / King's Spear / asphodel

seeds sown 22-3-2024 in 5 fibre pots shown above, I've had the seeds for a couple years so wanted to get them all sown

asphodeline lutea seed packet

8-4-2024 no germination so I'm reusing the pots but I am being impatient as the seed packet says germination takes 1 to 3 months but that's ok if one day they sprout up next to the milk thistle or sea holly that I've sown there


28-6-2024 I tried again with fresher seed (20 seeds)

Aster scaber seeds sown 27-7-2024

aster scaber seed packet

aster scaber

a few seedlings in a few pots

aster scaber seedlings


aster scaber seedlings


aster scaber


aster scaber seedlings

Blessed Thistle / Centaurea benedicta (Cnicus benedictus)

seeds sown 4-4-2024, wait up to end of May for germination

4-5-2024 a month later only 3 seedlings

blessed thistle seedlings

25-5-2024 I still have just the 3 seedlings, looks like all I'm going to get but at least it's something and they look pretty good

blessed thistle seedlings Centaurea benedicta

29-5-2024 looking at these seedlings more closely, pleased with them just wish I had more

blessed thistle

blessed thistle seedling


blessed thistle small plant


blessed thistle Centaurea benedicta

Centaurea benedicta blessed thistle

15-7-2024 a week later decided to platn them in the ground, Japanese thistle on the left

japanese thistle blessed thistle seedlings

27-7-2024 first flower, 16 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

blessed thistle Centaurea benedicta

31-7-2024 more buds are appearing

blessed thistle Centaurea benedicta

5-8-2024 mulitple stems and buds now

blessed thistle centaurea benedicta


Borage J Parkers sown 16-3-2024

borage seedlings sown

28-3-2024 a few seedlings have appeared

borage seedlings


borage seedlings on the left, monkshood sown in pots on the right


borage seedlings

4-6-2024 the repotted seedlings are not looking very good

borage seedlings

borage seedlings

borage seedlings

borage seedlings

worst borage seedlings/plants I've ever grown, extremely small

first bloom is white, doesn't help that my photos are not good, next photo is the same plants


another try to photograph the white borage flower and other small plants with buds


these seedlings have not grown properly but getting buds


27-6-2024 first blue borage flower, 15 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering


another blue borage


Candytuft seeds sown 4-5-2024




candytuft seedlings


candytuft seedlings iberis umbellata

candytuft iberis umbellata

26-6-2024 buds just opening


29-6-2024 first flowers, 8 weeks from sowing seeds to first flowers








Centaurea americana / Basket Flower

15-5-2024 seeds sown

4-6-2024  3 seedlings

basket flower

22-6-2024 only 5 seedlings but seems all I'm going to get

basket flower Centaurea


basket flower Centaurea americana aloha rosa seedlings



basket flower centaurea americana

19-9-2024 I put the surviving seedlings into a large pot together

basket flower centaurea americana

12-10-2024 I was surprised to see a bud

basket flower

all 3 plants, the one bottom left is not looking good (also self-seeders ox-eye daisies and water figwort)

basket flower

Chicory / Cichorium intybus

seeds sown 24-5-2024, see photo under Sweet Sultan, 2 columns of fibre pots

4-6-2024 a few seedlings in 2 weeks

chicory seedlings

20-6-2024 with the weather turning so hot and dry, wanted to repot the small fibre pots

chicory seedlings


chicory seedlings Cichorium intybus


chicory seedlings


chicory seedlings

Chinese Lanterns J Parkers sown 16-3-2024

chinese lanterns seeds sown


26 5 2024

6-6-2024 Chinese lantern seedlings repotted into this trough

chinese lantern seedlings

26-7-2024 savagely eaten by slugs, noticeable gaps, a few plants hanging on, lots of tiny self-seeders that are nothing to do with the Chinese lanterns

chinese lantern seedlings

1-8-2024 badly slug-eaten, some seedlings completely but still a few left

chinese lantern seedlings


chinese lanterns seedlings


looking good but I guess they won't bloom this year so hopefully next year

chinese lantern seedlings

Cirsium aomorense ex. Japan seeds sown 27-7-2024

cirsium aomorense ex Japan

cirsium amorense ex Japan

9-8-2024 at least 1 seedling has appeared


cirsium aomorense seedlings


2 weeks later a few more seedlings

cirsium amorense seedlings


cirsium amorense

Cirsium botryodes  seeds sown 22-9-2024


2024 had 3 packets of seeds but too old so no results (note to self: use seed when still viable)


Cornflower / Centaurea cyanus

seeds sown 5-6-2024, it's been so cold not sure how long germination will take, I have another pot of cornflowers seedlings so I guess I wasn't in such a hurry to sow these

cornflower seedlings

20-6-2024 it's getting so hot and dry, wanted to repot from the small fibre pots into larger pots

cornflower seedlings

18-7-2024 the empty pots are because of slug damage

Centaurea cyanus cornflower

31-7-2024 a few buds ready to open, in spite of a number of plants having been eaten by slugs

cornflowers centaurea cyanus

4-8-2024 cornflowers in bloom, 8 and a half weeks from sowing seeds to first flowers


next year's cornflowers, Centaurea cyanus Black Ball sown 20-9-2024

cornflower cyanus black ball seeds sown


cornflower seedlings

16-1-2025 repotted the seedlings

cornflower seedlings

cornflower seedlings

a few more cornflower seedlings left after repotting

cornflower seedlings

a few days before they were in ice

cornflower seedlings

I repotted those few final seedlings in the black pot on the left, in addition to the seedlings in the white pot shown above

cornflower seedlings

Centaurea montana seeds sown 22-9-2024


Cosmos seeds sown 4-5-2024


9-5-2024 in only a few days of warm weather the cosmos have germinated well


cosmos seedlings


cosmos seedlings

3-6-2024 repotted the cosmos seedlings into the pots around the summer savory pot

cosmos summer savory seedlings

22-6-2024 the smallest cosmos I've replanted into this very large pot, leaves me more in the larger pots to replant elsewhere





30-7-2024 first flower (but white not pink), 12 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering


5-8-2024 first pink flower



Cotton thistle (Onopordum bracteatum) seeds sown 29-6-2024, only 3 seedlings survived

cotton thistle seedlings Onopordum bracteatum

30-9-2024 those 3 cotton thistle  seedlings in the ground, attacked by slugs but hanging on

cotton thistle seedlings


Datura seeds sown 27-7-2024



Deadly Nightshade / Atropa bella-donna seeds sown 4-5-2024



I see a few tiny seedlings, not all the same so not sure if all the deadly nightshade, after almost 7 weeks not sure I'm going to get any more

deadly nightshade seedlings

as the weather is so hot and dry now, not sure seedlings can survive in these very small fibre pots so repotting them together in a larger pots (3 in one pot, 2 in another) so at least they won't dry out so quickly

3-7-2024 looks like 5 seedlings, not sure what that one is on the left but obviously not like the others

deadly nightshade seedlings


deadly nightshade atropa belladonna

deadly nightshade atropa belladonna

these tiny seedlings in one of the pots above look like more deadly nightshade but I'll have to wait and see

deadly nightshade atropa belladonna

6-8-2024 one seedling was broken, I stuck it in the pot but it's wilting, also a verbascum seedling I must remove, so 3 reasonable seedlings and 1 tiny new one

deadly nightshade seedlings

31-8-2024 that broken one seems to have rooted and is looking ok

deadly nightshade seedlings


deadly nightshade seedlings


Dierama Blackbird

seeds say 2015 but thought I'd try them and see if anything happens. I grew some in the past but they never got past the seedling stage as the slugs got them. zero germination, too old

dierama seed packet

dierama seed packet back


Echium vulgare / vipers bugloss

echium vulgare seed packet

seeds sown 11-8-2024 see photo below under Erigeron, 6 columns of coir pellets

18-8-2024 they seemed a bit slow to get going but after about 3 weeks looking much better

echium vulgare seedlings

so repotted them

echium vulgare seedlings

Erigeron speciosus Azure Fairy

Erigeron speciosus Azure fairy seed packet

seeds sown 11-8-2024, 15 coir pellets, 3 columns on the right (Echium vulgare on the left)


echium vulare and erigeron speciosus seedlings

31-8-2024 Erigeron speciosus on the left, Echium vulgare on the right

erigeron echium seedlings


erigeron speciosis Azure fairy


erigeron speciosis azure fairy

Sea Holly / Eryngium planum

seeds sown 8-4-2024

4-5-2024 finally a few seedlings after 4 weeks

sea holly seedlings

25-5-2024 asphodel in the same pots


3-6-2024 I decided to repot the sea holly, the 8 asphodel seedlings are in the same pots, rather than try to separate them, I decided to repot them together

3-6-2024 sea holly and asphodel repotted

sea holly dierama seedlings


sea holly dierama seedlings

15-7-2024 sea holly (and asphodel) planted in the ground, one bottom right was eaten by slugs but the dierama survived

sea holly seedlings planted in the ground


sea holly eryngium planum

18-8-2024 looking good but not seeing any signs of flowering stems

sea holly


False Indigo / Baptisia australis

soaked seeds for 48 hours after trying to knick / scarify (not sure if successful), sowing now to see if anything happens although haven't given cold treatment, I just can't mess with that, forgot grit on top, that I can do, will add that, that's easy

seeds sown 13-6-2024

baptisia false idigo

4 seedlings


6-8-2024 these were badly slug-eaten, just hanging on, hoping at least 2 will survive


Henbane / Hyoscyamus niger

seeds sown 4-4-2024

25-5-2024 I see a few seedlings but whether those are really henbane or self-seeders, I don't know, will have to wait and see (and I think that round pot top centre may not be one of the henbane pots but I'm not sure what it is)

3-6-2024 a few pots with what I think are the henbane seedlings but some others as well

henbane seedlings

I think 2 henbane seedlings, bottom right not sure

henbane seedlings

only top left is henbane I think, 3 unknown

henbane seedlings

4 henbane seedlings in the centre, left is sow thistle? far right unknown

henbane seedlings

henbane seedlings

top is henbane, not sure about the others

henbane seedlings

some henbane, some others

henbane seedlings

left henbane, right unknown?

henbane seedlings


henbane seedlings

3-7-2024 good number of seedlings - impressed with their germination and survival - probably more than I need

henbane seedlings

7-7-2024  17 seedlings doing well

henbane seedling

henbane seedling

henbane seedling Hyoscyamus niger

henbane seedling Hyoscyamus niger

henbane seedlings Hyoscyamus niger

23-7-2024 16 weeks from sowing seeds to first flower



henbane Hyoscyamus niger

18-8-2024 reasonable number of flowers but plants not even needing repotting


Hollyhock Jet Black

seeds sown 11-5-2024, 12 pots on the right (larkspur 6 pots on the left)

25-5-2024 good germination, bottom left looks like an intruder, will wait and see

hollyhock seedlings

22-6-2024 with hot dry weather starting, I had to repot the small fibre pots which dry out so quickly but running out of reasonable pots to use so the hollyhocks are in these very tall pots together but no hurry as they won't bloom this year - next year if I'm lucky, everything is so slow this year with such a cold spring but now it's hotting up

hollyhocks jet black

18-8-2024 must try to get them in the ground


Honeyweed seeds sown 4-5-2024


25-5-2024 I'm not sure if these are the honeyweed but will have to wait and see



22-7-2024 seedlings planted in the ground



honeyweed Leonurus sibiricus

18-8-2024 looks like some buds


23-8-2024 first flower, 16 weeks after sowing seeds

Leonurus sibiricus honeyweed

31-8-2024 lots of flowers, lots of visits by bees


30-9-2024 really coming into their own, sadly too much rain for bees


Japanese teasel (Dipsacus asperoides) seeds sown 29-6-2024

japanese teasel

28-7-2024 I think these are the Japanese teasel seedlings although the latest seedlings have gotten rather confused. What I can say is that these all seem to be the same plant and the leaves do look similar to my small teasel.

japanese teasel Dipsacus asperoides

18-8-2024 must plant them out, not too much slug damage sow so hopefully will survive

japanese teasel

Japanese Thistle

seeds sown 4-4-2024

3 pots at the top of giant knapweed seedlings (photo above)

4-5-2024 about 12 seedlings

japanese thistle

25-5-2024 reasonable germination

japanese thistle seedlings


japanese thistle seedlings

3-7-2024 3 round pots above (verbascum self-seeded in pot on left)

Japanese thistle seedlings

15-7-2024 planted in the ground on the left (blessed thistle on the right)

japanese thistle blessed thistle seedlings


japanese thistle cirsium japonicum rose beauty

18-8-2024 this one seems to be getting enough light, two other plants over-shadowed by the blessed thistle, but no sign of flowering stems yet

japanese thistle


japanese thistle


Giant Knapweed / Centaurea macrocephala

seeds sown 18-3-2024

giant knapweed seed packet

2 columns of fibre pots on the left

giant knapweed seeds sown

30-3-2024 a few seedlings have appeared



giant knapweed seedlings

repotted 18-5-2024

giant knapweed seedlings

giant knapweed seedlings

25-5-2024 I've had a setback, discovering slugs had eaten a number of the seedlings

giant knapweed seedlings

giant knapweed seedlings

I planted the giant knapweed in the ground

giant knapweed seedlings

2-8-2024 these were attacked by slugs - again - so down to 2 in the ground and 2 in a pot (in hindsight I would have kept them in their pots longer)

giant knapweed centaurea macrocephala

giant knapweed Centaurea macrocephala

18-8-2024 one of two in the ground

giant knapweed

second one in the ground, both slug-eaten but surviving

giant knapweed

not looking as good as that first one in the ground but was trying to save them from the slugs but looks like they still got to them

giant knapweed

29-8-2024 largest plant, still surviving despite slug damage

giant knapweed seedling

Russian knapweed (Rhaponticum repens / Centaurea ruthenica), seeds sown 15-5-2024

4-6-2024  2 seedlings after 3 weeks

russian knapweed

russian knapweed seedlings centaurea ruthenica

6-8-2024 just two hanging on


Korean bellflower (Campanula takesimana) seeds sown 27-7-2024

9-8-2024 a few seedlings have appeared

campanula takesimana seedlings


campanula takesimana korean bellflower


campanula takesimana

Perennial Korean Celery (Dystaenia takesimana)  seeds sown 22-9-2024

Dystaenia takesimana perennial korean celery

Korean dandelion (Taraxacum coreanum)  seeds sown 22-9-2024

Korean geranium (Geranium koraiense) Growild Nursery seeds sown 29-6-2024

I *think* these are Korean geranium. This latest lot of seedlings got rather confused. There were only 6 seeds in the packet and these do seem to be the same plant and only 5 seedlings unlike the other seedlings I have which are a lot more of each. I will need to wait and see.

korean geranium koraiense

I think those all turned out to be willowherb


larkspur seed  packet back

seeds sown 11-5-2024, see photo under Hollyhocks


larkspur seedlings

larkspur seedlings

I found I had half packet of seeds left so sowed them 15-6-2024

larkspur seedlings

22-6-2024 with the hot day weather starting, I couldn't leave seedlings in the small fibre pots, the larkspur are in an inner circle surrounded by sweet sultan in an outer circle

larkspur and sweet sultan seedlings

18-8-2024 the slugs savagely ate the larkspur seedlings, I think I'm going to get 1 flower


this was the pot 13-8-2024 with the larkspur (they're tiny), and few remaining sweet sultan, also savagely slug-eaten


Liquorice / Glycyrrihza glabra

sowed seeds 13-6-2024 after scarifying and soaking for 48 hours

19-6-2024 after all that (soaking and scarifying), surprised to see 4 seeds have germinated after only 6 days, I guess the scarifying worked

liquorice seedlings

3-7-2024 amazed to get 11 seedlings after the fiddly soaking and scarifying after only 20 days

liquorice seedlings


liquorice seedlings


liquorice seedlings


Livingstone Daisy / Mesembryanthemum seeds sown 4-5-2024



25-5-2024 I've sown them too thickly, need to thin out


livingstone daisy seedlings

livingstone daisy seedlings

livingstone daisy seedlings


I repotted the seedlings in the container above as it had no drainage holes and with recent rain, they were drowing

livingstone daisy Cleretum bellidiforme Mesembryanthemum

livingstone daisy Cleretum bellidiforme Mesembryanthemum

17-7-2024 first bud

livingstone daisy

19-7-2024 first flower, 11 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

livingstone daisy

Mandrake seeds sown 27-7-2024

mandrake seed packet



Milk Thistle

seeds sown 8-4-2024



milk thistle seedlings

6-6-2024 repotted the milk thistle seedlings from the small fibre pots into a larger plastic pot, totalling 5 pots of seedlings (Japanese thistle seedlings in the pots to the left)

milk thistle seedlings

milk thistle


milk thistle planted out

milk thistle seedlings

first milk thistle flower 5-7-2024, 12 and a half weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

milk thistle silybum marianum


seeds sown 4-4-2024, see photo above

20-6-2024 only a couple of seedlings, not sure either is monkshood, it's getting so hot and dry wanted to repot the small fibre pots

monkshood seedlings

trying again with fresh seed, sown 3-7-2024

monkshood seed packet


Morning Glory Grandpa Ott seeds sown 30-3-2024, see photo under Nasturtium Jewel


11-5-2024 finally some seedlings have appeared

25-5-2024 they were growing but the slugs got to them, hope I  have enough left


grandpa ott morning glory seedlings

23-7-2024 16 weeks from sowing seeds to first flower

morning glory grandpa ott


Morning Glory Heavenly Blue seeds sown 30-3-2024, see photo under Anise Hyssop, I only had a few seeds left from previous years, beautiful flowers but not very plentiful

heavenly blue morning glory


all died or eaten by slugs


Nasturtium Jewel seeds sown 30-3-2024



nasturtium jewel seedlings


Nasturtium Trailing seeds sown 30-3-2024


nasturtium tailing seedlings


29-5-2024 both the Nasturtium Jewel and Trailing seedlings planted in two large pots

nasturtium jewel trailing small plants

nasturtium jewel trailing small plants

14-6-2024 first nasturtium flowers, 11 weeks from sowing seed to flowers


Catmint / Nepeta cataria

seeds sown 24-5-2024, see photo under Sweet Sultan

20-6-2024 it's so hot and dry I wanted to repot the small fibre pots

nepeta seedlings


nepeta cataria seedlings


nepeta cataria seedlings


nepeta seedlings

25-9-2024, 7 pots, I shared some with other cat lovers

nepeta cataria


Catmint / Nepeta nervosa

seeds sown 2-4-2024, no germination but the seeds were old

Hairless Catmint / Nepeta nuda

seeds sown 2-4-2024, no germination but the seeds were old

Nodding thistle (Carduus nutans) Growild Nursery seeds sown 29-6-2024


carduus nutans nodding thistle

nodding thistle


nodding thistle seedling

nodding thistle seedling

nodding thistle

nodding thistle seedling

nodding thistle seedling


nodding thistle seedlings

Pheasant's Eye / Adonis

seeds sown 1-6-2024, 29-6-2024 zero germination but does say takes 30 to 40 days

pheasants eye


looks like 2 seedlings at last (after 33 days, hopefully more)

pheasants eye seedlings

7-7-2024 about 10 seedlings now

pheasants eye seedlings

17-7-2024 these had been looking pretty good but had a downpour the other day and some slug and / or fox damage so I've lost some, a few of the falling apart fibre pots had to go into that plastic pot

pheasants eye seedlings

1-8-2024 I've been very up and down with these. The slugs got to them - again - they are growing slowly not sure they'll reach flowering but maybe eventually.

pheasants eye Adonis annua


adonis pheasants eye

25-9-2024 have not done well, slug damage hasn't helped, obviously not flowering this year, will they survive the winter and flower next year?

adonis pheasants eye seedlings



Black Magic

not many seeds in the packet so just using this medium pot, if they actually grow I can transfer the seedlings to small pots, sown 24-4-2024

25-5-2024 there was one seedling there but looks like the top was eaten off, not sure that was even a poppy

lots of different seedlings, top looks like poppy, centre looks like lupin - no idea where that could have come from, others no idea


poppy black magic seedlings

first (and probably only) flower 18-7-2024, 12 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

poppy black magic Papaver macrostomum

Papaver macrostomum poppy Black Magice

Blue Poppy

seeds sown 8-6-2024 in 6 fibre pots on the right

Laurens Grape Poppy

not as many seeds in the packet as I would have expected so just using these 6 small pots, sown 24-4-2024


a few actually looking like poppy - but very slowly

laurens grape poppy seedlings

27-7-2024 I repotted all those small poppy seedlings - not that they really needed it, the roots had not filled the pots and weren't coming out the bottom, most seem to have buds even in their small state, the tall one on the right I think is the giant poppy

first Lauren's Grape poppy flower 31-7-2024, 14 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

Lauren's Grape poppy

Giant Poppy

sown 24-4-2024

only giant poppy seedlings I can find now or may have gotten confused with the Lauren's Grape

giant poppy seedlings

30-7-2024 first and only giant poppy flower with a hoverfly, 14 weeks from sowing seed to flowering

giant poppy

another view of the giant poppy

giant poppy

5-8-2024 another Laurens Grape and I'm not sure what the other is

laurens grape poppy

Prickly Blue Poppy seeds sown 27-7-2024

prickly poppy seed packet

9-8-2024 a few seedlings have appeared


prickly blue poppy seedlings

Safflower / Carthamus tinctorius Zanzibar

18-3-2024 I had to leave my seedlings/small plants behind when I moved (they hadn't flowered yet) so wanted to get more of these going asap.

safflower seed packet

safflower seeds sown

29-3-2024 first seedlings have appeared

safflower seedlings


safflower seedlings

11-5-2024 seedlings repotted

safflower seedlings

30-6-2024 seedlings planted out

safflower seedlings

safflower seedlings

1-8-2024 the slugs have eaten these a lot but a few are hanging on

safflower bud


safflower bud

10-8-2024 first flower, 20 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

safflower Carthamus tinctorius Zanzibar


sheepsbit seed packet

29-7-2024 I *think* these are sheepsbit seedlings. Another wait and see.

sheepsbit seedlings


sheepsbit seedlings


sheepsbit seedlings


Stocks, Brompton Lady Mixed

stocks brompton lady mixed

seeds sown 11-8-2024



20-8-2024 very good germination, just about every cell has a seedling

stocks brompton lady mixed seedlings


stocks seedlings


stocks seedlings


stock seedlings


some of the stock seedlings

hoary stocks replanted

some of the remaining stock seedlings, so much slug damage but a few are surviving

hoary stock seedlings

I repotted a second large pot of the stock seedlings with those seedlings, can't believe how few I had left after all the slug damage

stock seedlings


Summer Savory

seeds sown 2-4-2024, 12 fibre pots to the right in the Nepeta nervosa / nuda tray shown above

summer savory


3-6-2024 I repotted all the summer savory seedlings into one large pot

summer savory seedlings



summer savory

first flower 9-7-2024, 14 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

summer savory Satureja hortensis


summer savory Satureja hortensis

5-8-2024 the plants are now full of flowers

summer savory

and the smell is amazing

summer savory

Sunflower seeds sown 30-3-2024, I reused the coltsfoot pots as I've seen no germination of seeds that were rather old but if they should come through I'll have both in the pots

24-4-2024, 7 seedlings (from packet of 25 seeds)

sunflower seedlings



sunflower seedlings

repotted some of the sunflower seedlings into this larger pot

sunflower seedlings

Sweet Sultan / Amberboa moschata

seeds sown 24-5-2024, 2 columns to the right


sweet sultan seedlings

22-6-2024 with the hot day weather starting, I couldn't leave seedlings in the small fibre pots, the larkspur are in an inner circle surrounded by sweet sultan in an outer circle (same photo under larkspur)

larkspur sweet sultan seedlings

27-7-2024 savagely eaten by slugs, only a few plants left

a couple plants actually have buds

sweet sultan Amberboa moschata

12-8-2024 first flower, 12 weeks from sowing seeds to flowering

sweet sultan

there seem to be about 6 buds, so many have been eaten my slugs

sweet sultan


after the few flowers I got, I'm left with this plant, larger than the other plants and did not bloom, is it a sweet sultan?? if so, why didn't it bloom, if it's something else, coincidentally quite simialr, I will leave it and see what happens with it


11-5-2024 I put all the viola seeds (following 3 varieties) into this pot



viola seedlings


viola seedlings


viola seedlings


viola seedlings

17-7-2024 first bud appearing

viola bud

20-7-2024 first flower, 10 weeks from sowing seeds to first flower


first flower with the rest of the seedlings / small plants


26-7-2024 this flower got damaged, I think maybe by a bird


27-7-2024 more flowers in bloom


close-up of that small flower in the middle


Viola Arkwright Ruby


Viola Chicky Chicks


Viola Tiger Eye Red


Woolly thistle (Cirsium eriophorum) (Growild Nursery) seeds sown 29-6-2024

woolly thistle seedlings Cirsium eriophorum

4-9-2024  I got the thistle seedlings confused.  I think these are the woolly thistle seedlings

woolly thistle seedling

woolly thistle seedling

woolly thistle seedling

25-9-2024 (cotton thistle top centre).

woolly thistle seedlings


Yellow Chamomile / Cota tinctoria

seeds sown 24-5-2024, see photo under Sweet Sultan, 2 columns of fibre pots


cota tinctoria seedlings


cota tinctoria seedlings

25-6-2024 Cota tinctoria seedlings repotted, last small fibre pots repotted

cota tinctoria seedlings

cota tinctoria seedlings

5-8-2024 planted seedlings in the ground, I discovered they were very pot-bound and difficult to get out of the pots, I should have planted them out before

cota tinctoria yellow chamomile

cota tinctoria yellow chamomile

20-1-2025 the seedlings above at the front (the seedlings at the back were completely eaten by slugs)

cota tinctoria


Yellow Flag

yellow flag seed packet

14-8-2024 seeds sown