teasel vs verbascum

early Verbascum blattaria (moth mullein) rosettes can be confused with teasel rosettes (not so much by me as I have lots of both in my garden!) but some I've noticed recently are quite similar

this verbascum is quite small so the distinctive wrinkled texture of the leaves is not so evident

verbascum blattaria rosette

teasel rosette showing the distinctive prickly texture of the leaves

teasel rosette

lots of larger verbascum rosettes in the garden at the moment, smaller newer leaves grow in the centre (similar to dandelions), those older larger leaves on the outside often have red down the middle of the leaf

verbascum blattaria moth mullein rosette

verbascum blattaria moth mullein rosette

verbascum blattaria moth mullein rosette

both verbascum and teasel crowding out and being crowded out by dandelion rosettes

verbascum blattaria moth mullein rosette

verbascum blattaria moth mullein rosette

so many of my pots are stuffed with self-seedeers, below, left to right, red campion, verbascum, ox-eye daisy, below  them, forget-me-nots

compared next to each other, the Verbascum blattaria (moth mullein) rosette is different from a teasel rosette, both have wrinkled leaves but the verbascum has shiny smooth leaves whereas the teasel is rough with prickles, outer edges smooth ovate on the teasel and lobed on the verbascum

teasel rosette

teasel rosette