The Hardy Tree

You can't get too close to The Hardy Tree (in St Pancras Old Churchyard) as there are railings around it so this is the best pic I could get of the fascinating fungus growing amongst the gravestones.

white and black fungus Hardy Tree St Pancras Old Churchyard

wider pic of the fungus in situ

Hardy Tree St Pancras Old Churchyard

I dearly love "my" foxes but they are naughty when they dig things up. I noticed a very small echium Blue Bedder which had self-seeded and bloomed. By the time I went to take a pic it had been dug up.

echium blue bedder self-seeded

I'm still trying to figure out all these Damn Yellow Composites, a hoverfly on one.

hoverfly on damn yellow composite

I saw that growing in this walled car park / courtyard which is a nice protected environment for plants.

walled car park courtyard

you can only go in when the shop is open (and the gates are open)

I have finally, after weeks, if not months, of photographing the emilia, got a shot in focus.


new flowers from the scabious, more appreciated now as there's less in bloom

scabious blue cushion

scabious blue cushion

just the time for the Japanese anemone, they require zero attention and suddenly late in the summer start blooming

japanese anemone

first flower from one of the lupins, in the colour I prefer


unlike this colour which is "okay", at least there's a bee on it

lupin with bee