I was confused recently identifying a seedling whether it was nepeta cataria or dead-nettle and I realised these plants (and a few others related) - at least in the early stages - were so similar it was worth having a closer look. This is a very personal selection as I have all these plants in my garden (except two which I see nearby) - and they are plants I (and the bees) really like.
This has turned into a moving target as I have to keep adding plants which I realised are in the Lamiaceae family.
Anise hyssop Agastache anisata, I grew from seed
Betony Stachys officinalis
Basil Ocimum basilicum, I bought this from the supermarket
Catnip, Nepeta cataria, I grow from seed. (I have never seen plants for sale).
Dead-nettle Laminum purpureum, self-seeds a lot in my garden
Gipsywort Lycopus europaeus, I see this along the Regent's Canal
Lemon balm Melissa officinalis, I see it in a front garden nearby
Lesser Calamint, Calamintha nepeta / syn. Clinopodium nepeta I grew from seed
Mint I think I bought this as a small herb from the garden centre many years ago
Nepeta, Garden catmint Nepeta faassenii
Wild Basil, Clinopodium vulgare I grew this from seed; it came in a promotional packet of mixed seeds
Anise hyssop (Agastache anisata)
Luckily this one is easy for me to identify in my garden because of the anise smell which I don't have from any other plants. Also the colour in the centre of the seedling, at the base of the leaves is distinctive of all the Lamiaceae's I have in the garden.
close-up of the catnip flowers
Dead-nettle (Lamium purpureum)
I have just been calling this dead-nettle but it needs a proper name. Appears to be red dead-nettle which I think has some variation in leaf colour, not always very purple. Most of my deadnettle plants don't have purple leaves but the odd one did and the ones I often see locally do have purple on the leaves. It's August and not the best time for dead-nettles but as I'm doing the comparison now, I'm taking photos of what I have right now in the garden (8-8-2018).
but looking back at some of my older photos, I see quite a large well-developed dead-nettle
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)
The buds are yellow. When the flower open the lower part is white and the upper part is yellow.
Lesser Calamint (Calamintha nepeta)
entire pot of plants
close-ups of some of the lesser calamint flowers
I've had this mint in my garden for years, in a pot so it won't take over. No idea what mint specifically but it has buds (August 2018) so hope the flowers will be definitive for identification.
mint flowers just opening
peppermint flowers
Moroccan Mint
another mint I saw in a neighbour's front garden
Wild Basil Clinopodium vulgare
close-up of the wild basil flowers
spent wild basil flowers, aside from a few still in flower at the bottom
the dead-nettle on the right is easy to identify at this stage because of the pink flowers
the dead-nettle (sprawling) is in the square pot above, nepeta (upright) is in the round pots below