spring bulbs outside
The pot of crocus (bottom right) are all the bulbs from the crocus vases and bulb pot (see gardenwithindoors) that did not bloom; I got tired of them on the windowsill so put them outside and planted them. Not sure if they will bloom but think they have as good a chance outside as inside. The hyacinths on the bottom shelf are prepared White Pearl but I ran out of room indoors for them. They are looking nice and fat and have big buds.
The pots on the left have muscari bulblets.
These were last year's crocus, blooming in a pot outside.
I love moss. I noticed this on the front garden wall yesterday.
my average self-seeded pot, clock-wise from the top cente: green alkanet, thyme, campanula, deadnettle, foxglove, forget-me-not - and - a bit of moss
even though the echium seedlings were doing well, they've been eaten so now they are NOT doing well
bergenia flowers
some unknown plants seen on a recent walk along the Regents Canal