Happy New Year
I seem to be in St Pancras Old Church Yard quite a lot taking photos, I thought it would be nice to present it properly - and the Hardy Tree. In the centre background is the Crick Institute which is behind the British Library on Euston Rd, London NW1. On the left background is just a bit of St Pancras Station. This historical church and churchyard has survived, against the odds, extremely close to central London.
this is the west side of the Hardy Tree, in the background is a new wall they erected when working on the railway lines out of St Pancras Station, just peaking above the wall are the gasometers they've moved and re-erected as part of the canal redevelopment
north side of the Hardy Tree
east side of the Hardy Tree
south side of the Hardy Tree
an old twisty tree, corkscrew hazel? in the churchyard
I first saw butterbur in the churchyard
mahonia, unlike mine with rather flat sprays of flowers, this one has upright branches of flowers
horseweed, in the background is the coroner's court / mortuary that was built in 1886