hardy geranium (bloody cranesbill / Geranium sanguineum ??)
In my new garden I have at least 8 different hardy geranium plants, some possibly the same kind but I need to see when they bloom. This one is the only one currently in bloom.
geranium under the choisya
geranium under bluebells
I can't resist new products to try out, especially if they include bee-friendly seeds and if they are easy to buy from Ocado. I'm going to start them this week (w/c 25-3-2024). Will report progress.
The Flower Shop at M&S Pollinator Flowers Bee Attracting Selection
The instructions inside are the same for both.
The Flower Shop at M&S Cornflower Bee Attracting Mix
inside is the compost and seed packet
28-3-2024 I started the seeds: compost into the tins, watered, seeds added