I saw this Japanese knotweed in a front garden. In bloom, they seem to floweer pretty late in the season.
view of the entire plant
see more Japanese knotweed at my Japanese knotweed page.
winter jasmine in flower
self-seeded foxgloves
this one took over my agapanthus pot and a water figwort joined it
this foxglove self-seeded in the pot with the poppy and is joined by lots of other plants: verbena bonariensis, foget-me-nots and more
houndstongue seedlings
I threw every houndstongue seed I found - and I found a lot - every time I came in from the garden I seemed to have some stuck to my clothes - into these pots. They seemed to take a while to do something and next thing I knew I had a pot full of seedlings - as many as I need, assuming they all grow into reasonable plants. Also primula seedlings amongst them.
houndstongue on the left, primulas on the right
Geranium molle and robertium seedlings
my visiting white cat, loving the catnip plants
Livingstone daisies, still going strong - if the sun comes out - they only open in the sun and it's rained so much recently haven't seen them every day
I bought 4 huge perennials from Plants Direct (in Roundbush near Aldenham), Lamium maculatum Roseum
Tradescantia virginiana
Stachys byzantina
Primula denticulata
Of these 4 plants 2 have the Perfect for Pollinators seal (Lamium Roseum and Stachys Lanata (synonym of byzantina)) but in researching online, both Tradescatia and Primula denticulata are mentioned as being good for pollinators so I will observe in the spring / summer if pollinators visit.
another green alkanet I have which is still getting established - it didn't bloom yet, common hogweed above it, teasel to the left in the pot
finally planted some more bulbs, Urginea maritima, as recommended half the bulb above the soil and I added pebbles / grit for more drainage, I've not grown these before so not sure best methods but I'll see how they do in pots, I understand they don't like the wet so hoping the pots give a drier environment
ranunculus, which I love but have not figured out best methods, I put a layer of grit and put the (soaked) corms on top of the grit and covered with compost, I understand they need protection so if it gets very cold I can put the pots in a more protected place
I also planted 3 pots of daffodils
3 pot of crocus
Little Princess tulips (in only a few days they're been covered with the beginnings of spider webs
I planted the trough up with Sainsburys daffodils and topped with pansies from Plants Direct
30 daffodil bulbs for £3 is a bargain I couldn't resist
before I could plant up the trough I had to remove the self-seeders I wanted to save, water figwort and primulas
those primula seedlings potted up
the water figwort seedling potted up
11-10-2024 The speckled petunias are still going strong, amazing and I even saw a bee on one the other day.
I love green alkanet. I had one or two green alkanet blooming in a pot this year unlike my last garden where I had lots. The 2nd photo shows a large green alkanet I planted out as a seedling which I brought with me. I hope for flowers in the spring.
These are plants I have in my patio cracks (green alkanet, spear thistle, moth mullein). It's always difficult to decide if I should transplant them in hope of flowers or leave them to sort it out. I tried removing a verbena bonariensis thinking they were tough and would survive but it died. I had a moth mullein (Verbascum blattaria) bloom on the patio quite happily this year. I am sure I cannot move the green alkanet and spear thistle now so will leave them and see how they do.
I love what's growing in this tray!
So many of my pots have self-seeders, it's time to repot some of them. This pot started with baptsia seedlings which don't seem to be doing well, one has died. If I want the remaining two baptisia seedlings to survive, thought I should remove the self-seedeers, esp top centre verbascum blattaria, below that fox-and-cubs and a few small primulas.
the seedlings repotted, clockwise from left, primulas, fox-and-cubs, verbascum, unknown
primula seedlings from other pots
the baptisia seedlings with lots of room now and no competition - for now, I read that baptisia dies back in winter but starts growing again in spring but not sure if the seedlings will revive but on their on in that pot will make it possible, now I just need to label
this pot is the next to tackle
and this pot of aquilegia seedlings looks like it has some primula seedlings as well
one of the great things about my new garden are all the hardy geraniums,
verbascum Arctic Summer well-established with enormous leaves
the navelwort is surviving despite being a bit crowded out by the fox-and-cubs spreading
a green alkanet seedling I brought with me and planted in the ground, getting established, hope it flowers early next spring