
In recent years I’ve been keeping the dandelions in my garden for the bees whereas before, I’m embarrassed to say, I used to remove them. One of my long-term goals is to learn more about them and how to identify them.
If dandelions are in my garden or local to me, it’s a lot easier to observe them. I’ve noticed how the initial dandelion basal rosette leaves are different from the later leaves.I’ve seen this rosette near me in Jeffrey’s St since July 2021. I wasn’t even sure it was a dandelion.
dandelion rosette
By March 2022 it was looking more like a dandelion and had lots of buds.
dandelion buds
By April 2022 it bloomed. I have to be careful taking photos of urban wild plants as so often people see me paying attention and promptly remove them.
I decided to research these dandelions at the LNHS library and read about these varying leaves
and learned it’s called heterophylly
The dandelion rosette in one of my pots was enormous in October 2021
. By February 2022, fresh, smaller leaves in the centre, that’s heterophylly.


mid-August 2022

hoverfly on a "pink dandelion" (Crepis rubra)

hoverfly crepis rubra

I am trying to water my pots sparingly, especially those with flowers for pollinators so the "pink dandelions" (Crepis rubra) are still blooming. I'm loving these this summer - fast flowers from seed.

crepis rubra

and some of the spent flowers

crepis rubra

crepis rubra

I love chicory. I grew these from seed but it's been challenging. They're biennial so it's been a long time waiting for flowers and trying to keep the slugs off them. I only have 1 plant left from about half a dozen.



some new chicory buds

chicory bud

chicory bud

my lone water lily this year, it lives in a trug after the barrel it was in collapsed; that got very low on water with the drought and heatwave and I think I topped up the water only just in time

water lily

aster in bloom, seems early, I imagine it's the heat that's brought on early blooms


Victor (and all the cats) struggling to find shade to avoid the heat

borage buds

borage buds

I'm not sure what this seedling is. I think I've seen it before but can't remember.

this amaranthus has self-seeded in one of my pots, will keep an eye on it as it develops to see if I can identify it to species

the flower reminds me of some plantain species

amaranthus flower

amaranthus flower

beginning of August 2022

Review of some of the wildflowers that bloomed from the wildflower seed mix I bought at Sainsbury's

I never thought of rocket as a wildflower but the mix included it

rocket flower

canary grass, I had seen this in a seed catalogue or somewhere and was thinking of getting some, so I was pleased to see it

canary grass

annual mallow (Malva trimestris)


malva trimestris

malva trimestris cheese

malva trimestris cheese

there was dill but it was difficult to get an in-focus photo, the resulting seedheads were easier to capture

dill seedheads

also in the mix: poached egg plant (see earlier blog entry)


hollyhocks with a bee

hollyhocks with bee

hollyhocks with bee

hollyhocks with bee


Crepis rubra with hoverfly

crepis rubra


evening primrose

evening primrose

end of July 2022

my friendly fox, within a couple minutes that bowl was licked clean 

garden fox

Rocky with the catnip (Nepeta cataria) I grew from seed

cat with nepeta cataria catnip

cat with nepeta cataria catnip

purple loosestrife with bee

purple loosestrife with bee

heleniums with a bee

helenium with bee

heleniums with bee

heleniums with bee

the bees are loving the globe thistles, they've been great as they survived the drought and heatwave with no watering

globe thistle with bees

the heleniums are looking good and the bees are visiting but they're in pots so I have to water them


I had a few evening primrose that had self-seeded so put them all together in a pot (some were larger than others) and the next day one bloomed

evening primrose

hollyhocks blooming but they're all white and pink, I have been watering them a bit as they're newly planted out but they shouldn't need watering once they're established


bowl of water out for birds and insects but haven't seen either visiting it



Scarecrow on the right, this is in my neighbour's garden, he often goes with me if I go over to water or photograph


globe thistles in bloom with bees

globe thistles in bloom this week (mid-July) with bees

globe thistle bees

globe thistle bee

globe thistle bee

globe thistle bee

The artichokes are in bloom - in my garden, next door's garden and the next one up - makes a fabulous sight - people stop and look walking past. There are bees visiting them but the plants are too tall for me to take a decent photo.



wildflower seeds

Sometimes when I go to Sainsbury's I can't resist making an impulse purchase of seeds or bulbs - even though I've already ordered plenty of seeds and bulbs! I bought some wildflower seeds there earlier this year, and of course, had very little room in the garden for them so they were very badly eaten by slugs as I had no room to keep them off the ground, so the fact that a few things survived is a miracle. These poached egg plants are one of the miracles. I've not grown them before and for a long time before they bloomed I didn't know what they were. Also survived: Phacelia tanacetifolia, Malva neglecta and another mallow which I'm not sure of and rocket.

poached egg plant (Limnanthes douglasii)

poached egg plant Limnanthes douglasii

poached egg plant Limnanthes douglasii

poached egg plant Limnanthes douglasii

poached egg plant Limnanthes douglasii

Malva neglecta

malva neglecta

more July flowers

Hen and Chicks poppy with a bee and hoverfly. When I took the photo, it was of the hoverfly. It was only when I was processing the photo, I saw the bee as well on the right.

hoverfly and I think there's a bee behind below

Hen and Chicks poppy with a bee

hen and chicks poppy

hen and chicks poppy

hen and chicks poppy

purple loosestrife with bees

purple loosestrife

Lauren's Grape poppies

Laurens Grape poppy

laurens grape poppy

Amazing Grey poppies

lupins (left) and echium Blue Bedder (right)

lupins echium Blue Bedder

white dwarf mallow (Malva neglecta)

white dwarf mallow

July 2022 flowers

pillbug in the middle of moulting, as I watched it, that white bit on the right came off

moulting pillbug

Amazing Grey poppies - variable shades of colour

amazing grey poppies

amazing grey poppy

amazing grey poppy

possibly Hen and Chicks poppy

hens and chickens poppy

the bees have discovered the purple loosestrife, there were 3 bees on them but I only captured 2 in the photo

purple loosestrife

the bees have discovered the veronica, there were 3 bees on it but I only captured 1 in the photo

bee on veronica

greater knapweed

greater knapweed

Little Dorrit sunflower


garden catnip (Nepeta faassenii) on the left with purple flowers, catnip (Nepeta cataria) on the right with white flowers


mallow, I think, from wildflower seeds

mallow, I think, from wildflower seeds

Centaurea dealbata with a dandelion self-seeded on it / in it, doesn't look like it will be able to bloom, certainly no sign of a flower stem

centaurea dealbata and dandelion


bee on heleniums

bee on heleniums

the heleniums have survived the slugs and snails last year


bee on lupin

bee on snapdragon

marsh mallow

marsh mallow

pink dandelion (Crepis rubra)

crepis rubra

bread-seed poppy

bread-seed poppy

the slugs and snails ate this flower stem on the hosta and it has collapsed

slug-damaged hosta stem

my friendly fox and cats

my fox and Rocky

Victor using a piece of stone edging as a pillow



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