hanging out at my local watching a giant crane (and London is a land of cranes at the moment so that's saying something) working on a building site by the Regent's Canal in Camden Town - and looking at weeds
close-up of those weeds, left to right wall lettuce, smooth sow thistle, dandelion and oxalis throughout
epic fails
new building, new garden with bamboo - and a giant dandelion! the largest I've ever seen, round the corner from me, London NW1
It's about 50 cm across
a public area planting that's going a bit wrong, that bramble, not the thickest I've ever seen but going in that direction, Hampstead Rd, London NW1
the russian vine is consuming the sign for Warren Evans which is not readable now, Camden St (Camden Road station in the background)
the Virginia creeper is escaping, nearby road, London NW1
that squash my neighbour is growing has taken over that tree
ridiculously small window boxes, not enough soil to grow much of anything and how do you reach them to water them? nice collection of horseweed, Whitechapel, east London
Seeds want to grow no matter what. I can't tell what they are but I'll pot them up and see. Probably deadnettle, maybe snapdragon.
- update -
I planted those seedlings above and yes, they are indeed deadnettle
another damn yellow composite, I am going to study these in more detail and try to come to terms with them, Warren Evans courtyard car park, London NW1
underside of one of these damn yellow composites, Camden Rd, London NW1
these damn yellow composites could turn into my life's work and it's only 1 page in my wildflower book!
not sure if this is creeping thistle or another, will go back and look at it further
I think it is creeping thistle. It's just a small example, just off Camden Road, 15-9-2017.
one of the foxes knocked a large pot over revealing these slug and snail eggs, I've mushed all those I could, they rolled away and were difficult to get