I like to identify the tiniest seedlings so I can keep the ones I want and weed out the ones I don't. This page is very much a work-in-progress, started July 2018 when for some reason I noticed a lot of tiny seedlings. End of June 2022 I noticed a lot of seedlings and those are towards the top of the table. I guess summer is a good time for self-seeders.
August / Sept 2024
purple loosestrife

rough hawkbit possibly

oxeye daisy

not sure on this one yet, 31-8-2024

10 days later, 10-9-2024

2 weeks later 25-9-2024

fox-and-cubs seedlings

couple weeks later

those seedlings above are the result of me sowing the collected fox-and-cubs seeds but the seedling on the right below has self-seeded in this pot so I'm only guessing it looks like fox-and-cubs, verbascum blattaria on the left

agasteche top centre? strawberry right, bottom centre fringecups?, hairy bittercress bottom right

houndstongue seedlings possibly on the left, henbane on the right? 21-8-2024




18-9-2024 this seedling is quite similar to the one above, it may even be the same one

i think this is speedwell but will leave it to grow to confirm

red campion

nipplewort, I think

I have found that primulas self-seed alot and as I have a pot of them, I notice a few seedlings which I think are primulas but will confirm when I see them develop


7-10-2024 a few primula seedlings

poppy, one of the more identifiable seedlings, Feb 2023 |
not sure yet, Feb 2023 |
not sure yet, Feb 2023 |
end of June 2022, think this is jasmine but it did not survive |
teasel, June 2022 |
same seedling as above, beginning of August |
5th caption |
red campion, August 2022 |
red campion, August 2022 |
red campion on the left of the sheepsbit seedlings (close-up to the left) |
evening primrose, August 2022 |
closer view of that seedling above at the bottom of the pot |
green alkanet |
green alkanet |
brooklime, Veronica beccabunga, July 2022 |
Oxford ragwort, July 2022 |
globe thistle, August 2022 |
hairy bittercress, Nov 2022 |
nijer from birdseed, Nov 2022 |
more nijer seedlings, Nov 2022 |
unknown, 3-11-2022
shoofly, I think, 2-11-2022, not the clearest photo, will take another |
selfheal, 30-10-2022 |
not sure of this, 2-11-2022 |
sheepsbit, 30-10-2022 |
uncertain, 2-11-2022 |
chickweed |
first table July 2018
1. prickly sow thistle (not wall lettuce) |
2. smooth sow thistle |
3. (l to r) forget-me-not, snapdragon, deadnettle |
7. (l to r) nepeta, foxglove (behind), prickly sowthistle |
5. Stachys byzantina (in lupin pot) |
4. nasturtium |
8. foxglove, nasturtium |
9. (l to r) petty spurge, knautia or centaurea nigra?, hyssop |
11. ox-eye daisy |
12. (l to r) deadnettle, willowherb, deadnettle? |
6. smooth sow thistle |
10. ox-eye daisy |
charlock |
13. viola (or maybe hairy bittercress) |
23. shepherd's purse |
16. mostly violas, tiny snapdragon on its own |
14. hairy bittercress (not viola) on the left, hyssop on the right |
18. verbena bonariensis |
15. lots of tiny violas, forget-me-nots, prickly sow thistle, a few deadnettle, verbascum far left |
24.herb robert |
17. nepeta |
20. |
19. cerinthe or honesty (I think) |
21. willowherb (same as 12) |
22. not so clear so another pic below few days later |
23. maybe datura? -never developed, died- |
22. above after a few days |
24. cerinthe or borage? on the right, left not sure |
27. pansy |
25. delphinium |
26. honeysuckle |
28. aquilegia |
29. not sure |
the two seedlings below are not as tiny as most of the others |
30. willowherb |
31. veronica |
32. brassica from birdseed |
33. wild basil |
34. deadnettle |
35. teasel |
36. petty spurge (leaf on the right missing) |
37. not sure yet |
38. herb robert? |
39. honesty |
40. wood avens |
41. bramble (I think) |
42. green alkanet |
48. not sure (with hyssop seedling) |
45. willow? (in echium pot) |
46. horseweed or vebena or buddleja? (in echium pot) |
I think the following two are the same, just at a slightly different stage, right has 4 leaves and 1 starting, left has 3 leaves and 1 starting, thinking hairy bittercress? same as 13 and 14? |
47. |
49. |
50. pendulous sedge |
51. maybe ox-eye daisy? |
52. soft rush |
53. creeping buttercup |
54. iris foetidissima |
creeping yellowcress ?? |
teasel |
verbascum |
not sure? |
foxglove? |
nepeta |