new growth with a bit of rain

the plants have responded amazingly well to a bit of rain

greater knapweed

greater knapweed

greater knapweed showing the lower leaves

greater knapweed

evening primrose, I was thinking of putting this with my pavement plants as it's growing in a crack but it's paving on my patio so not the usual pavement plant, I fear if I try to pull it up I'd destroy it so I'll see how far it can get like this

evening primrose

a flowering stem shot up from this verbascaum rosette and has bloomed


some new growth on the purple loosestrife and some fresh flowers which the bees are loving

purple loosestrife

new scabious flower


cornflower Blue Carpet

cornflower Blue Carpet

cornflower Blue Carpet

cornflower Blue Carpet

verbascum with multiple flowering stems


I suddenly noticed an entire comfrey plant yesterday with lots of buds


greater celandine was brown and dead and now has some fresh green growth

greater celandine

huge teasel leaves on the left, new leaves growing from the base of the heleniums

the hogweed was looking quite brown and spent but now there is fresh green growth

common hogweed

sage looking good after being smothered by other plants


knautia macedonica rosette

knautia rosette

pineapple sage

pineapple sage

chicory leaves of a mature plant

chicory leaves

the muscari were growing well in these pots but after not enough water they were wilted like the middle two but after recent water, two of the pots (top and bottom) have green growth


I love echium vulgare. So pleased to see it self-seeding from this year's plant. I hope I find others in the garden.

echium vulgare

next to that echium vulgare is a borage

borage seedling

I didn't plant any shoo-fly seeds this year but I had lots sprouting from my home-made compost. I potted them up hoping for flowers. The earlier buds (on the plant behind) did not really produce flowers. The flowers seemed to wilt before they opened. My ginger cat Victor in the doorway.


those shoo-fly plants have lots of buds, hoping for decent flowers

shoo-fly buds

peanut - not one I planted, I usually notice peanut shoots when they are smaller than this but the other day, I suddenly saw this peanut small plant
