I saw a lot of rosettes yesterday, some before the flowers grew but some with flowers where the rosette was still there.
Shepherd's purse, quite variable. Sometimes there's no rosette at all when it blooms but this one has a full rosette and flowers in the centre.
I saw a lot of hoary mustard, some just rosettes and some with flowers and rosettes and some with flowers but no rosette.
These hoary mustard have both the rosette and flowers.
these are just the rosettes
hoary mustard
hawkweed ox-tongue and hoary mustard without obvious basal rosettes
hoary mustard, hawkweed ox-tongue and buddleja along the railway line with the Post Office Tower in the background
I saw a few bristly ox-tongue, some flowers with bees. The leaves have those distinctive blisters.
horseweed (Erigeron canadensis) rosette
hawkweed ox-tongue (Picris hieracioides) rosette
hawkweed ox-tongues with no visible rosette
Geranium molle rosettes
Autumn hawkbit (Scorzoneroides autumnalis), rosette with flowers
with all this surrounding growth, the rosette / leaves are not visible
autumn hawkbit, to the right shepherd's purse and an autumn hawkbit rosette above that